What is VEEC’s Creation and how does it work?

VEECs, or Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates , play a crucial role in Victoria’s efforts to promote energy efficiency and combat glasshouse gas emissions. These certificates are generated as part of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) scheme, a government initiative aimed at incentivizing energy-saving measures. At Green Power Saver Australia, as an accredited entity, we contribute to the VEEC Creation by implementing various energy-efficient projects, including installing energy-saving lighting systems. These certificates can then be sold or traded to organisations that have obligations under the VEET scheme. Our involvement in generating VEEC creation Victoria aligns with our commitment to providing energy-efficient solutions and empowering individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. By participating in these initiatives, we not only help our clients save energy and lower their environmental impact but also contribute to the overall sustai...